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Solidus announces sponsorship of Angela Garvey of Navigating Aviation

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Solidus have announced their sponsorship of Angela Garvey, the pilot and visionary behind Navigating Aviation.

Angela will be flying as part of the Freedom Formation Display at the Pacific Air Show on the Gold Coast this August 16th-18th. Freedom Formation is the largest Formation Aerobatic Display Team in the Southern Hemisphere and their acrobatic displays are always a crowd favourite.

The Pacific Airshow will also feature Solidus ambassador and world champion air race pilot Matt Hall, as well as Emma McDonald of Matt Hall Racing, another strong and inspiring woman in aviation.

Matt Hall Emma McDonald
Matt Hall & Emma McDonald of Matt Hall Racing
Angela Garvey Navigating Aviation Featured
Angela Garvey

Solidus Director Annie Mack was keen to support Angela to bring a focus to her important work in aviation specific counselling and wellbeing through her ground-breaking business Navigating Aviation.

With her extensive experience as a general aviation business owner/operator, commercial pilot and airshow display pilot, Angela walks the talk, putting her in a unique position to offer counselling and support that resonates with people in the sector.

Angela Garvey Sharp Airlines

Too often pilots are under pressure to perform without showing any signs of weakness in their personal life. This is not just a hypothetical concern. If a pilot is deemed as not mentally fit they will lose their license to fly and yet pilots experience all of the same life challenges and ups and downs as any of us. Add to this, work in the aviation industry, with its complex array of regulations, procedures and personalities and there are myriad pressures that pilots, and many aviation professionals face, often without clear avenues of support.

Navigating Aviation provides the space to discuss industry-specific concerns such as flight test anxiety, confidence building and crisis support, alongside more broadly applicable counselling services like relationship and family support, career guidance and work/life balance.

To learn more about Angela’s work visit her website at

If you are at the Pacific Airshow on the Gold Coast in August be sure to check out the Freedom Formation Display Team and the not to be missed Matt Hall of Matt Hall Racing.

Angela Garvey Flying Sunset

About Solidus Industries

Solidus Industries is a leading provider of world-class corrosion inhibiting cleaning products to industries such as Aviation, Defence, Power Generation, Marine, Oil & Gas, and Industrial sectors.

Renowned for its powerful corrosion protection and world class clean, our Zi-400 HD Aircraft Cleaner is Australia’s leading aviation cleaning product, loyally used by the Australian Defence Force, search and rescue operators, police airwing, air medical services, commercial airlines, flight training schools, charter services, aerial application and general aviation.

For more information on Zi-400 HD Aircraft Cleaner, watch our video here.